Keeping it clean - Just rinse, recycle, repeat.

Resource Recovery Team


Keeping it clean - Just rinse, recycle, repeat.  


The most stand-out issue with our recycling nationally is the huge number of recyclable items that are not clean or rinsed. In fact, did you know locally of the 51 kerbside recycling bins audited from a cross-section of New Plymouth suburbs over winter 2021, contamination was approximately 24%.  Most common contaminants: dirty containers, food scraps in reccying, and soft plastic.

 Unfortunately, due to being contaminated, these items all end up in the landfill. The list of dirty recyclables from the audit includes milk bottles that were not emptied,  or unrinsed meat trays still covered in pieces of raw meat and blood as well as unrinsed tin cans. Items like shampoo and shower gel bottles, oil bottles, margarine containers should also be clean.   Pizza boxes need to be free of stuck-on food and other cardboard and paper need to be flat and dry.

For further information CLICK HERETo Make Your Recycling Great’


Do you want a chance to win a cash prize? Just rinse, recycle, repeat with a chance to win $25,000


Simply make a post on one of the social media platforms listed below. The competition opens Monday 11th October -Friday 5th November. There is no limit on the number of posts you can create.  Simply post your content to Facebook, Instagram, TicTok, or LinkedIn showing how you make sure all your recycling is cleaned before it goes into the recycling bin. Tag @RinseRecycleRepeatNZ in your post.


link– WasteMINZ
